Is Your Website Going To Vanish From Google Searches? Google Mobile Indexing Is Here!

HL News • October 26, 2017

Google is slowly rolling out their new mobile index for searches. What does that mean? It means that if your website does not have a mobile version then it may get left behind this next year and not appear on the valuable first few pages of Googles search engine. Google does say that they will help out webmasters by trying to communicate with them through their Search Console (if you are not signed up, now would be the time, its free from Google).

Google is looking at each website and setting up “classifiers” to define how ready a site is for the mobile-first index. If the classifiers are at 100% then it will take that site to the mobile-first indexing stage. If not, then Google will reach out to the webmaster and try to communicate the specific changes that need to be made to the website to get it to be mobile indexed.

There is no ETA yet for the final roll out of the mobile index and it will happen slowly, but if your site is not smartphone ready then NOW is the time to do that. We can help you with a mobile website and getting your Search Console login, call 316-941-7088 or email [email protected].

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